Thursday, April 9, 2009

Where are we going?

It was last night when i was thinking about our country, our nation, our religion and many such things. Some things almost amazed me. I was thinking about the poblems in our country and devolpment in our country. I came to know that the fields which were our pride are now our biggest problem. Pakistan was a well known agriculture country and today we are importing basic entities like wheat, rice, potatos, onions etc. Textile was one of our biggest export and today our textile industries are just physically present. They are no more different from dead or barren land. But then i thought that why are we so quiet on all such things, may be because are having what we want. or we are given what we dont need right now. In this regard, i would mention the IT development in our country. You have to decide that wether so much penetration of IT, telecomunication was necessary in society. I know that many bright minded people will think that it is necessary for us to be counted among literate, civilized, modern people. but i think that there are many other things to be achieved for being a well developed and civilized nation. I will wait for ur opinions.


chirya said...

We pakistanis don’t have any way to go on the people who were to tell us the way r thereselves lost,our lower middle class is badly suffering…poor man atlast decides to lie down on a railway track and wait 4 a train to pass over himm…most of us dnt know eithr they will cum back home or will b a victim of any suicide attack.our 95% is not getting food rest of 5% is enjoying world of IT,n prosperity,our youth doesn’t has any direction ,,,,now pakistan is becoming a centre of hopelessnes..but remember it is very clearly said in quran that the leaders 4 a nation r given to a nation just similar to the nation so v might correct ourselves fst individually n then expect from othrs….wish u all a life fed of roses

Z A Chaudhry said...

Your blog just happened to catch my eye while randomly browsing. It's quite an interesting read. Although, my views differ to some extent from your more so, 'sympathetic' ones. Ofcourse, the whole nation is suffering because of the leaders we have in place. However, like the previous commentator stated, the 95% of people who aren't getting food (I disagree with this statistic), should've thought about it before electing a criminal blindly and foolishly. The majority of Pakistan's population is highly uneducated but one should at least learn from past experiences or use a bit of some common sense. Also, it's the majority of Pakistan's population which is robbing their kindred at every chance they get. E.g, why can there be LCD TVs at deserted train stations in countries such as Malaysia and the U.S, but we can't place a coke machine in any of our main markets without having it stolen by the morning after?

Anyways, that's just my opinion. Nice blog.